Top 6 reasons why you should workout with Kettlebells

Do you want to get in shape? Tired of wasting money at the gym? Tired of wasted time with workout equipment that doesn’t work? A kettlebell is all you need. Here are top 6 reasons why:

1. Fitness

Training with a kettlebell can give you a full body workout in less than 10 minutes. It can burn up to 20 calories per minute depending on your size and how much work you put forth.
– Studies have shown that high intensity interval training with kettlebells increase your metabolism rate at an astonishing rate after exercising due to excess post exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC). 
– The variety of motions used when utilizing a kettlebell effectively engage multiple muscle groups at once resulting in increased fat burning during exercise and long term metabolic gains. 

Kettlebells exercises

Kettlebell workout

Kettlebell swings


Kettle bell

2. Strength Training

Kettlebells are a great way to build and maintain strength from head to toe. From your legs, core, back, arms. You can do squats , deadlifts , swings, snatches and presses with ease. This is also a great way of strengthening the joints. 

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3. Kettlebells for longevity


Your muscles are your engine and the heart is the fuel pump. Both must be in good order to keep you in tip top shape. Fitness, strength training and a healthy heart go hand in hand. You can’t have one without the other. The best way to keep your heart healthy is through exercise which include cardiovascular work and strength training using kettlebells . 

4. No Gyms needed

Gyms can be expensive, crowded and confusing. The kettlebell will give you a full body workout at home or wherever you please for completely free! All you need is enough space to swing it about 30cm/1ft in front of you and voila! A Total Fitness Revolution awaits   
Since there are no machines in the way when you’re working out with kettlebells there’s more space for you to really get into the exercises without worrying about bumping into someone or something else like happens when people use machines. 

5. Biggest Why with Kettlebells?

Kettlebells offer a total body workout you cannot find in any other equipment. With kettlebells, you can target all major muscles as well as the stabilizing muscles that are often neglected by typical weight training and cardio workouts.
Using a kettlebell forces your muscles to engage in order to complete each exercise because they have weight behind them unlike dumbells or machines where gravity does most of the work.

6. They last forever

The material used to make them is of superior quality compared with most other equipment which means they will surely last longer than any workout machine found in gyms today! Fitness doesn’t have to be expensive nor does it have to take up too much time.
That’s it! Fitness on a budget and only 10 minutes to get the most out of your workout in no time. 
Do you incorporate kettlebell training in your fitness routine? Have any questions regarding them or if this information was useful for you? Leave a comment down below, we would love to hear from you. 

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